4 week weight loss program

4 week weight loss program

What You Need

  • A cardio machine or a favorite activity you can do for up to 30-45 minutes
  • A few sets of dumbbells—5-40 lbs.
  • An exercise ball
  • A resistance band 
  • A mat 
  • A BOSU balance trainer. You can also substitute a step or do the moves on the floor.
  • A medicine Ball
  • Six days and 30-60 minutes of time on each of those days to complete your workouts


  • Week 1: Your first week starts with six days of workout with a mix of steady state cardio, total body training, high-intensity cardio and core, and flexibility workouts.

  • Week 2: This week introduces a bit of a different schedule with a couple of new workouts to try. Listen to your body and take extra rest days as needed.

  • Week 3: This week is the same as last week, so there's nothing really different...just tough workouts to help you get fit and burn calories. Pay attention to how you feel this week since too many high-intensity workouts can lead to burnout or overtraining.

  • Week 4: For your last week, you'll have one new workout, plus you get an extra rest day this week, something that is well deserved if you finished all the workouts. No matter how many you finished, give yourself a reward for working so hard.

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